01 August 2024




If you logged onto ROT since my last post, the conclusion of the two-part “Merrily We Roll Along” on Sunday, 14 July, you found that there hadn't been any new pieces.  Here's why, and what should happen in the next days and weeks:


My old computer—I can’t even remember when I bought it!—finally aged out.  It was limping along enough for me to research, write, and post new articles, but it became more and more a chore.  Both the outer device—that is, the case—and its innards and software were deteriorating and, finally, it just became unusable. 


So, I decided it was time to replace it.  As you all no doubt know, that’s not just a simple exchange, like getting a new vacuum cleaner, and I tried to work it out so I could get the new one, all primed and ready to go, within a few days. 


That didn’t work out as planned, and I ended up missing several posting dates for new articles.  In all the 15 years and 4 months, plus, since I launched Rick On Theater, that has never happened.  It’s going to take me a week or so more to get the new device set up for my work, and maybe a little longer to recover the sites I had saved for use in upcoming posts.  Fortunately, one site was a quick recovery, and it may yield two posts—a two-parter—and I have begun working on that.


With a little luck, I can have a new post on ROT on Saturday, 3 August, and its companion post on Tuesday, the 6th.  (If I miscalculate, I’ll shift everything back until the 8th and 11th.)  If you’ve missed ROT, check back on Saturday.


I apologize to all loyal ROTters; as I used to tell my theater students: Don’t rely on technology.  I hope that you, I, and the blog will be indemnified against glitches and technical problems for a while, at least, and I’ll be back posting on schedule for months, and maybe years to come.


On the other hand, as Fats Waller used to say: “One never knows, do one!”


Thank you, ROTters, and let’s welcome back Rick On Theater with a rousing “Break a leg!”




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